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All praise is due to Allaah and may prayers and salutations be upon the Messenger. To proceed:

Welcome to Dajjaal.Com! This site is dedicated to providing an Islamic perspective on the Dajjaal (Anti-Christ), Jesus the Messiah and his return, Iblees (Satan) and the Jinn, Magic and the Occult (mystery religions) - based upon the Qur'an and Authentic Sunnah.

We are living in a time in which the League of Iblees have a frightening grip and amazing amount of resources and means through which waves and waves of assaults are maintained against faith (eemaan), and against tawhid (monotheism), and against the morality that is based upon revelation (as opposed to the "do what thou wilst" of secular humanism), and against the family unit and its bonds (husband-wife, child-parent). And so it is necessary for the Muslims to beware and take extreme caution against the waves upon waves of such assaults that are being made from all directions, the aim of which is to desecrate the foundations of faith, and to desecrate the Prophets of Allaah, in particular Jesus, the Son of Mary (peace be upon them both) and to replace the foundations of faith with a "New Age Spirituality" which is nothing "new" at all, but comes from none other than Iblees himself and is but the same deception that Iblees used to make Adam err, which is the promise of immortality and eternity (see this article), and this is the core, underlying principle of the "New Age Spirituality" in all of its flavors and manifestations.

Further, the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) warned that there would be many dajjaals (liars) in the later times. Such liars and imposters claim divinity or prophethood, and preach a religion other than that preached by the Prophets and Messengers, such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad (peace be upon all of them). For this reason, given the huge amount of propaganda disseminated through the great many forms of media in the modern age, it is necessary for Muslims to be well-informed about the plots of Iblees his deception and misguiding of the people through their army of devils amongst Jinn and men, all of whom refer to Iblees, spuriously, as "the light bearer".

The meaning of the word "Dajjaal" linguistically means "a great liar, deceiver", and signifies great deception and lies. As such, all magicians and soothsayers are also referred to as "dajjaals", because they lie and deceive. Hence, we will also be discussing magic and its practitioners on this site as they come under the general meaning of "dajal" (deceit, trickery, deception).

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© Dajjaal.Com. All Rights Reserved.
The Dajjaal (Anti-Christ) is the One-Eyed Liar
Sorcerers, Magicians are the Worshipers of the Devils
Gender of Arabic Nouns